Advanced level for WordPress Vulnerabilities

Hossam Shady
4 min readMay 13, 2024


what to do if you discovered Wordpress CMS

great story would change your recon and exploiting methodology forever

ready lets go:

to discover wordpress there are many was but we are gonna use wapalyzer

wordpress via wapalyzer

after collecting wordpress sites then lets try to find vulnerabilities

first use wpscan but first you must register and take api from

once you got the api and installed wpscan in your machine lets start

wpscan --url --disable-tls-checks --api-token <api-token> -e at -e ap -e u --enumerate ap --plugins-detection aggressive --force

you are gonna see sentstive files and the version of wordpress moreover CVES and vulnerabilities , you should take the title of it and start searching for exploring it

if you found xmprpc.php file from wpscan you can exploit it by making dos attack or no rate limit on fuzzing the password or SSRF as follows but you must change the request method to post first


now lets try to fuzz the username and password without rate limit by intruder or turbo


once you reached the correct password the response would be like that

now let’s try SSRF via xmlrpc.php

replace with your burpsuite collaborator and with target site

<value><string> </string></value>

another thing is fuzzing wordpress as you can find information disclosure

dirsearch  -u -e conf,config,bak,backup,swp,old,db,sql,asp,aspx,aspx~,asp~,py,py~,rb,rb~,php,php~,bak,bkp,cache,cgi,conf,csv,html,inc,jar,js,json,jsp,jsp~,lock,log,rar,old,sql,sql.gz,,sql.tar.gz,sql~,swp,swp~,tar,tar.bz2,tar.gz,txt,wadl,zip,.log,.xml,.js.,.json

via /wp-json/wp/v1/users or /wp-json/wp/v2/users

or /author-sitemap.xml

see this

check also /wp- content/uploads/ and if 403 forbidden or not found 404 then try to bypass it by /wp-content/UPLOADS/ or /wp-content/UpLoAds/

see this

try to search for registration page and if you didn’t find then try to do that

make post request with /register path and change the content-type from application/json to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and you can register or at least there is information disclosure

in the login page try first to check common credentials as admin:admin or admin:password or test:test or root:toor or admin:pa$$w0rd and if failed then check the rate limit if there is no rate limit then report it now as attacker can send the form to vps and fuzz the password easily in one day

now let’s try sql injection in login page in username and password forms

' OR 1=1;- -

also you can intercept the login request with burpsuite and save the request in file as

after saving the file use sqlmap as

sqlmap -r request.txt --risk 3 --level 5 --random-agent 

you can also try response manipulation when login as if you failed to login and response like 403 Forbidden then change it to 200 OK and the body can be failed => change it to => succeeded

if you found admin-ajax.php then try xss{'location'%3A'Cairo'%2C'units'%3A'C'%2C'forecast_days'%3A'5<%2Fscript><script>alert(document.domain)<%2Fscript>custom_name'%3A'Cairo'%2C'animated'%3A'true'}
/wp-content/themes/ambience/thumb.php?src=<body onload=prompt(1)>.png

and also try rce


use this dork in to discover senstive info

html:"you don't have to use the web site, you can"

try to register via /wp-login.php?action=register

best regards,

hossam shady



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